The main areas of general electrical maintenance commonly include the power outlets and surge protectors, generators and lighting systems. These supply sources are checked for structural integrity as well as internal stability. The maintenance plan normally includes the regular replacement of burned out fluorescent and incandescent lights. Many building managers in recent years have refitted their lighting systems with energy saving bulbs and elements. Preventive maintenance is also generally part of a building’s upkeep. This plan ordinarily includes the scheduled inspection of large systems and equipment by a professional electrician. The purpose of these periodic assessments is to fix small problems before they escalate into large ones. This is particularly important at plants, hospitals and factories that heavily rely on these systems for daily operations.
To guarantee the steady, uninterrupted flow of electricity to buildings, electrical maintenance is ordinarily performed by licensed industry professionals. These maintenance electricians normally have building specifications, wiring and equipment diagrams, and blueprints at their disposal to make sure they inspect all areas. They typically use a variety of hand tools, including hand drills, pliers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, knives and conduit benders. Voltage, amps and ohm meters are commonly used in the maintenance operations. If there are specific areas of concern in a building’s electrical system, the maintenance crew may use specialized testing methods and equipment to isolate the problem. Power transformers are commonly analyzed as well as substation components and the construction of the site’s transformers. The testing procedures generally require a good understanding of switchgears and system design to comprehend how all of the electrical system elements interrelate. |